
Since the beginning of this great story we are living in, God has shown his love for people by providing for all their needs and desires.

We see this in Genesis, where God creates a world of abundance for Adam and Eve, and gives them all the resources for them to live out their creative desires.

After the first humans turned away from God, he continued to lead those who listened to him into provision. This can be seen by the manna the Israelites ate in the wilderness, their enjoyment of living in the promised land, a land of natural abundance.

It is also powerfully demonstrated in the gospels, where Jesus directs people where to cast their fishing nets, leading them to catch so many fish the nets start to break!

The miraculous manna in the wilderness is echoed by Jesus multiplying bread for a crowd of five thousand men in the dessert who had followed him there without food.

It is also shown in Jesus telling his follower, Peter, to catch a fish that would have a coin in its mouth that he could use to pay their tax!

God’s continues to lead people into provision today – you will hear stories about that on this page!