
Throughout the Bible there are stories of God working through people to heal and to restore other people to good health.

Abraham prays for King Abimelech and he is healed. The prophet Elisha instructs Naman to dip himself in the Jordan River seven times and he is miraculously healed of leprosy.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus heals many people. Check out Luke 18:42-43, 14:2-4, 17:11-14, 13:10-13 for stories of Jesus healing people from blindness, swollen limbs, leprosy, and being crippled. There are so many of these stories in the gospels! Jesus became famous in his lifetime, in part, because of all the people he healed!

Jesus’s followers also healed people. Check out Acts 3:1-10 for an epic story of a man being healed who had not been able to walk for his entire life!

Followers of Jesus lay hands on people and see them healed today, too.

On this page you will hear more stories of people being healed by the power of God at work through people.

Some will be stories of instant healing, some will be of people being healed over time, but all will be stories that include the power of God at work to bring healing and hope.