Holly Schmidt | Flip Flops on a Wooden Deck[1 min read]

Our family was at our very first worship night with Youth with a Mission. I had just finished reading Is That Really You God by Loren Cunningham, a book about hearing God’s voice. As we were singing, in my mind’s eye, I saw us on a ship, worshipping on deck. I saw my feet in flip-flops and the wooden deck of the ship.

Over the next twenty years our family kept feeling led to work with YWAM’s ship ministry. We did other ministry but never with ships. Then we accepted the position of pioneering a base in the remote Bocas Del Toro region of Panama.

We had been there for about six months when we got word that YWAM Mendocino was bringing us a boat. It arrived at our dock and the crew tied her up so I could jump on.

As I swung my legs over the side of the boat and my feet hit the deck, I looked down and noticed I was standing on a wooden deck, in flip flops. Twenty years later the prophetic vision that God had shown me in that time of worship had come true!

Holly Schmidt

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